The Environmental Degradation of the Miombo Woodland and the Potential of Agroforestry

H. M. Sibanda
J. Odra

DOI: 10.2190/HPT6-WHT9-QQ4G-MLW6


The Miombo Woodland covers move then 60 percent of each of the four countries studied. This ecozone is characterized by Brachystegia, Julbernadia, and Isoberlinia tree species. It is dominated by the red tropical soils, namely, the ferralsols, acrisols, and luvisols with decreasing rainfall. The rainfall pattern is unimodal and falls in intense tropical storms which is a potential soil erosion hazard, especially on light to medium textured soils. The current problems in this ecozone are deforestation and overgrazing which have resulted in soil erosion and rangeland degradation in the areas of high population density. Continuous cropping of the inherently poor soils has lowered soil fertility. Agroforestry is a technology that might solve some of the problems of this ecozone. Agroforestry will sustain livestock and crop production, while keeping a check on environmental degradation. The technology can be introduced using selected indigenous species and some exotic species adapted to the environmental conditions.

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