Brief Treatment and Crisis Intervention Advance Access originally published online on April 11, 2008
Brief Treatment and Crisis Intervention 2008 8(2):147-163; doi:10.1093/brief-treatment/mhn005
Brief and Intermittent Approaches to Practice: The State of Practice
From the School of Social Work, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio
Contact author: Sophia F. Dziegielewski, Dean and Professor, School of Social Work, University of Cincinnati, OH 45221-0108. E-mail: dziegisf{at}
This article is written to provide an overview of the past and present use of two common types of time-limited therapy. Brief (also known as short term) and intermittent therapies are explored. Using these time-limited frameworks, a structure and procedural review for conducting evidence-based intervention strategy is presented. Several popular methodologies that use a time-limited focus are reviewed. Recommendations, practice guidelines, and strategy for use of these methods are presented.
KEY WORDS: brief treatment, intermittent therapy, practice strategy, future practice, evidence-based practice, time-limited practice, short-term therapy