Brief Treatment and Crisis Intervention Advance Access originally published online on July 10, 2008
Brief Treatment and Crisis Intervention 2008 8(3):215-225; doi:10.1093/brief-treatment/mhn013
Posttraumatic Success: Solution-Focused Brief Therapy
From the Therapy, Training, Coaching, and Mediation Practice
Contact author: Fredrike P. Bannink, Clinical Psychologist, Therapy, Training, Coaching, and Mediation Practice, Schubertstraat 17, 1077 GP Amsterdam, The Netherlands. E-mail: solutions{at}
Results of several studies suggest that traumas need not be debilitating and that most people are resilient and even grow in the wake of a trauma. Understanding and highlighting the sources of this resilience and posttraumatic growth and focusing on hope and optimism help professionals foster these strengths in their clients, as opposed to focusing on what is wrong with them, which can have a discouraging effect. From a solution-focused perspective, the focus in treatment shifts from posttraumatic stress to posttraumatic success.
KEY WORDS: posttraumatic success, posttraumatic growth, resilience, solution-focused brief therapy, crisis intervention