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Brief Treatment and Crisis Intervention Advance Access originally published online on September 20, 2006
Brief Treatment and Crisis Intervention 2006 6(4):316-325; doi:10.1093/brief-treatment/mhl012
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© The Author 2006. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved. For permissions, please e-mail:

A Case Study: How a Disaster Mental Health Volunteer Provided Spiritually, Culturally, and Historically Sensitive Trauma Training to Teacher-Counselors and Other Mental Health Professionals in Sri Lanka, 4 Weeks After the Tsunami

   Karin Jordan, PhD

From the Graduate Department of Counseling, George Fox University

Contact author: Karin Jordan, Associate Professor and Chair, Graduate Department of Counseling, George Fox University, 12753 SW 68th Avenue, Portland, OR 97223. E-mail: kjordan{at}

This article is a case study describing how one disaster mental health volunteer for an international relief organization developed and then taught a trauma training curriculum 4 weeks after the tsunami hit Sri Lanka. The curriculum was developed specifically to train mental health professionals and teacher-counselors (teachers with 1 year intensive training in foundational counseling). The curriculum was carefully constructed to meet the needs of the tsunami survivors and then revised after meeting with and gathering information from the adults and children in several refuge camps. In addition, the curriculum underwent several revisions after considering civil war effects, as well as cultural and religious values, beliefs, and behaviors practiced in Sri Lanka. Finally, the article focuses on curriculum delivery and the generally positive evaluations of it by participants.

KEY WORDS: tsunami, Sri Lanka, trauma training, disaster mental health, spiritual sensitivity, cultural sensitivity

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K. Jordan
A Case Study: Factors to Consider When Doing 1:1 Crisis Counseling With Local First Responders With Dual Trauma After Hurricane Katrina
Brief. Treat. Crisis Interven., May 1, 2007; 7(2): 91 - 101.
[Abstract] [Full Text] [PDF]

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