TABLE 3. Factors Associated with Levels of Vicarious or Secondary Trauma


IES Intrusion

IES Avoidance

IES Total

Age r = –.06 r = –.18** r = –.14*
Total hours per week counseling r = .32** r = .15* r = .25**
Hours per week counseling trauma victims r = .34** r = .24** r = .31**
Counseling wife assault victims t = –3.11** t = –2.31** t = –2.92**
Counseling child abuse victims t = –2.92** t = 2.30** t = –.2.75**
Counseling child sexual abuse victims t = –3.65** t = –3.12** t = –3.78**
Counseling sexual assault victims t = –3.70** t = –1.96* t = –3.01**
Counseling torture victims t = –2.33* t = –2.57** t = –2.62**
Receiving personal therapy

t = –2.15*

t = –2.38*

t = –2.34*

Note. Scores on the Impact of Event Scale (IES).

* p ≤ .05.

** p ≤ .01.