Figure 1.
Mechanisms of oligonucleotide therapy.
A. RNase-H–mediated degradation of antisense-targeted mRNA. An antisense oligonucleotide (shown in black) that mimics a deoxyribose-phosphate
backbone base pairs with a specific sequence in an unstructured region of an mRNA (green) target (left). The resulting RNA/DNA-like
heteroduplex (center) is a suitable substrate for RNase H (red), which then cleaves the mRNA and opens the way to further
degradation by other cellular nucleases (right). The oligonucleotide is released and cycles to other molecules of the mRNA
B. Inhibition of cryptic splice sites. Mutations that result in cryptic splice sites (denoted as a and b) can cause aberrant
processing (indicated in red) of pre-mRNA (green) so that nonfunctional protein is produced (left). Therapeutic use of an
RNA-type oligonucleotide (oligo; blue) blocks the cryptic splice site and restores normal splicing so that normal mRNA and
functional protein are produced (right).
C. Triplex inhibition of transcription. The RNA polymerase (pink) complex is normally processive (left), moving along double-stranded
gene sequences (purple and red) to produce mRNA (green). The presence of a triplex-forming oligonucleotide (oligo; blue) in
a purine-rich tract (right; Pu, purine; Py, pyrimidine) interrupts the processivity of the polymerase complex and thus interdicts
transcription (right).