Year : 2013 | Volume
: 19
| Issue : 4 | Page : 479-482 |
Double heterozygous hemoglobin Q India/hemoglobin D Punjab hemoglobinopathy: Report of two rare cases
Deepti Mutreja, Seema Tyagi, Narender Tejwani, Jasmita Dass
Department of Haematology, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, India
Correspondence Address:
Deepti Mutreja Department of Haematology, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi India
 Source of Support: None, Conflict of Interest: None
DOI: 10.4103/0971-6866.124381

Cation exchange high performance liquid chromatography (CE HPLC) provides an excellent tool for accurate and reliable diagnosis of various hemoglobin (Hb) disorders. HbQ India is a rare alpha chain variant that usually presents in the heterozygous state. Its presence in double heterozygous state with HbD Punjab is extremely rare. The double heterozygosity for α and β chain variants leads to formation of abnormal heterodimer hybrids, which can lead to diagnostic dilemmas. We report two rare cases of double heterozygous HbQ India/HbD Punjab where the hybrid Hb was seen to elute at retention time similar to HbC on CE HPLC. The first case had unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia at presentation; while, the second case was asymptomatic. |