Int J Shoulder Surg Close

Figure 2: (a) Release of PDGF in L-PRF clots: Kinetics of the release was significantly increased between 0.3 and 7 days and then decreased closer to time 0 levels at 28 days. (b) Kinetics of the release of VEGF was significantly increased between 0.3 and 7 days and then decreased closer to time 0 levels at 28 days

Figure 2: (a) Release of PDGF in L-PRF clots: Kinetics of the release was significantly increased between 0.3 and 7 days and then decreased closer to time 0 levels at 28 days. (b) Kinetics of the release of VEGF was significantly increased between 0.3 and 7 days and then decreased closer to time 0 levels at 28 days