To design and implement an individualized program of evaluation and education to provide remedial experiences to physicians.
Design and Setting
An evaluation and educational program for physicians practicing in New York State.
Physicians referred for evaluation and possible remedial educational experiences from the New York State Office of Professional Medical Conduct, from the New York State Committee on Physicians' Health, or selfreferred.
Main Outcome Measures
Educational programs designed to meet the individually identified educational needs of physicians and placement of physicians in educational settings that facilitate their meeting the program goals and issues raised by the Office of Professional Medical Conduct.
Of the 28 physicians who have undergone evaluation activities, at the time of this report, five (18%) had completed their educational programs, five (18%) were participating in directed educational programs, five (18%) had approved educational programs and were awaiting placement, and 10 (36%) were awaiting acceptance of their program by the Office of Professional Medical Conduct.
A comprehensive evaluation program can identify areas amenable to education and target individualized remedial educational experiences that may enable physicians to become contributing members of the medical community.