
Feasibility of Ensuring Confidentiality and Security of Computer-Based Patient Records
Council on Scientific Affairs, American Medical Association
Arch Fam Med. 1993;2(5):556-560.
References Article references have been provided for searching and linking. Additional reference information may be available in the article PDF.
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1. See, eg, 28 Pa 115.27 (1991) (hospitals); 49 Pa 16.61 (1992) (medical doctors). See also, Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations, Accreditation Manual for Hospitals MR 3, MS 1.1.3 and MS 2.1.1 (1992). 2. 42 CFR 482.24(b)(3) (1991) (hospitals); 42 CFR 483 (long-term care facilities) (1991). 3. See, eg, 42 USC  290dd-3 and 290ee-3 (1992); 42 CFR 2.1 et seq (1991); 740 ICLS110/1 et seq. (Smith-Hurd 1992); Calif Health & Safety Code  199.20-199.24 (1992); 410 ICLS 305/4 (1992); NY CLS Pub Health 2782 (1992). 4. 5 USC 552a (1992); with respect to state privacy statutes see, eg, Minn Stat Ann 13.02 (1992); Ohio Rev Code Ann 1347.01 et seq (Baldwin 1992). 5. Mont Code Ann  50-16-501 to 50-16-611 (1991) (Uniform Health Care Information Act); Rev Code of Wash 70.02.005 et seq (1991) (Uniform Health Care Information Act); Calif Civil Code  56-56.37 (1992). 6. See, eg, Doe v Borough of Barrington, 729 F Supp 376 (D NJ 1990).