
Child Maltreatment
James A. Monteleone and Armand E. Brodeur, 502 pp (volume 1), ISBN 1-878060-10-4, and 266 pp (volume 2), ISBN 1-878060-13-9, $175, St Louis, Mo, GW Medical Publishing Inc, 1994.
Patricia Glowa, MD, Reviewer
University of North Carolina Chapel Hill
Arch Fam Med. 1995;4(10):889-890.
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Child Maltreatment is a wonderful addition to the core reference shelf of professionals who work with children. Child abuse exists in human society across cultures and throughout history. Only recently, however, have we started to systematically explore and define this problem. We need to continue to expand our knowledge of all aspects of abuse, from the physiology and physics of the forces necessary to cause intracranial injuries to the psychology, origins, and treatment of sex offenders. James A. Monteleone, MD, and Armand E. Brodeur, MD, have assembled a wide range of experts, including pediatricians, radiologists, pathologists, lawyers, social workers, and others, to present a dynamic model of the interdisciplinary teamwork necessary to carry out this work. The collective expertise represented by the authors is a solid foundation of authority for this work. The importance of teamwork and good communication between professionals is presented both implicitly and explicitly.
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