Restrictive and Non-Restrictive Management of Park Visitors
Robert D. Bixler
Francis P. Noe
William E. Hammitt
DOI: 10.2190/UVW7-H8M8-QQEP-0QFQ
Natural resource area managers who restrict recreational access to control resource damage from recreation, can expect backlash responses from recreationists. The extent of support expressed by recreationists for land management policies that would restrict behavior while at a national park was measured using a survey instrument. Two variables—environmental attitudes and knowledge of damage to park natural resources by recreationists—were found to be positively related to support for both nonrestrictive and restrictive visitor management policies. Frequent users of the park were less likely to express support for restrictive policies that limited their use of the park. Implications for management are discussed.This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.