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TABLE 1. SCL-90R GSI and SAS Means and Standard Deviations at Intake and After the BPI


Session 4


GSI (SCL-90R) 0.90 (0.48) 0.71 (0.52) –0.38**
SAS-SR total 2.04 (0.39) 1.93 (0.48) –0.26*
SAS-SR work 1.91 (0.54) 1.80 (0.62) –0.19
SAS-SR family 2.04 (0.40) 1.87 (0.53) –0.37*
SAS-SR leisure 2.17 (0.58) 2.08 (0.63) –0.15
SAS-SR material

1.78 (1.18)

1.81 (1.21)


Note. GSI = Global Severity Index; SAS-SR = Social Adjustment Self-Rated scale.

* p = .01.

** p = .001.

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