Development of Potential Pharmacodynamic and Diagnostic Markers for Anti-IFN-α Monoclonal Antibody Trials in Systemic Lupus
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Figure 2
Magnitude of overexpression of IFN-α/β-inducible gene signature in WB of 41 SLE patients in the initial study as measured
by the median fold change of the 25 most overexpressed IFN-α/β-inducible genes (IFN-α/β-inducible gene signature score) in
individual SLE patients. The horizontal bars represent the median values. Patients whose IFN-α/β-inducible gene signature
score was >10 were considered to have high IFN-α/β-inducible gene signatures; those with scores between 4 and 10 were considered
to have moderate IFN-α/β-inducible gene signatures, whereas those with scores < 4 were considered to have weak IFN-α/β-inducible
gene signatures. IFN = interferon; SLE = systemic lupus erythematosus.