• Institution: LOCKSS

Plasma Proteomic Signature in Overweight Girls Closely Correlates with Homeostasis Model Assessment (HOMA), an Objective Measure of Insulin Resistance

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Figure 2
Figure 2

Canonical pathways for the insulin receptor. Protein expression levels for all patients were input into the Ingenuity Pathways Analysis software for analysis of changes in relevant pathways. IPA software has 272 annotated canonical pathways to which it will fit the experimental values of protein expression. Using this analysis function, it is possible to see if (1) the proteins of interest are involved in specific pathways and (2) how the expression levels of those proteins may affect the activity of the pathway. Proteins from our microarray data that are present in the canonical scheme are shaded. If the ratio of patient to control is less than 1.5, the shading of the protein symbol is gray. If the ratio is greater than 1.5, the symbol is red for an increase compared to the control and green for a decrease compared to the control. To limit the pathways to a manageable number, for this analysis, we examined the pathway of insulin action and the pathway of NFκB activation and compared how the two groups of patients differed in their expression levels. The insulin receptor pathway was selected for display.

This Article

  1. Hum Genomics Proteomics vol. 3 no. 1