Putative mechanisms that might accomplish the versatility of Ca2+signal transduction. A. Quantitative and kinetic determination of the Ca2+ message by amplitude and frequency of global/cytosolic Ca2+ elevation. B. By generation of locally isolated Ca2+ gradients, Ca2+ selectively affects Ca2+-sensitive proteins. The schema illustrates the appearance of such areas with high (i.e., subplasmalemmal Ca2+ Control Unit; SCCU) and low (mitochondrial buffer unit; MBU) Ca2+ concentration between the plasma membrane and the respective organelle. C. By distribution of Ca2+-sensitive proteins to areas of distinct Ca2+ regulation, specificity of Ca2+-initiated signal transduction can be achieved. D. A local Ca2+ elevation recruits a Ca2+-activated scaffold protein that assembles a certain signaling pathway independently of global Ca2+ concentration. E. Ca2+ exhibits auto-regulatory properties and modulates subsequent Ca 2+ signaling.