Journal Title:  Journal of Pharmacy Teaching | Vol:  12 | Issue:  2 | Year:  2005   
Print ISSN:  1044-0054 | Online ISSN:     

Students' Attitudes About Service-Learning: A Longitudinal Study

Assistant Professor Cynthia W. Coffey Pharm.D
Professor and Dean Candace W. Barnett Ph.D
Professor and Chair Susan W. Miller Pharm.D and F.A.S.C.P
Director Vicky Turberville-Vega Pharm.D

pages: 51 - 68


Mercer University Southern School of Pharmacy (MUSSP) incorporated service-learning into Patient Care Experiences (PCEs) in the Fall 2001. The service-learning program focuses on improvement of communication skills, understanding the communities served, and improvement of pharmaceutical care skills. This study is a longitudinal study, which examines students' attitudes and perceptions of community service before and after the course requirements. It was also conducted in order to determine students' perceptions of the influence of community service on improvement of basic pharmaceutical care skills.