Year : 2014 | Volume
: 9
| Issue : 4 | Page : 141-148 |
Study of early pregnancy loss using Ultrasonography
Abdelmomem Saeed Ahmed1, Caroline Edward Ayad1, Ali Ahmed Altoom1, Elsafi Ahmed Abdalla1, Momen Abdou Elkhir2, Qurashi M Ali1
1 Department of Radiology, National University, Khartoum, Sudan, Sudan 2 Department of Radiology, Faculty of Medical Technology, Sebha University, Murzuq, Libya
Correspondence Address:
Caroline Edward Ayad College of Medical Radiological Science, Sudan University of Science and Technology, P. O. Box 1908, Khartoum Sudan
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DOI: 10.4103/1858-5000.153027
Background: Vaginal bleeding is the most common cause of presentation to emergency department in the first trimester. Objectives: The objectives of the study were to review the value of ultrasound in assessing the vaginal bleeding and early pregnancy loss and to find out any related abnormalities. Design: This is community-based study. It was carried out in Khartoum State, Major teaching hospitals, during the period from July 2010 to October 2013. Materials and Methods: The sample of the study was 302 female patients, who referred to ultrasound departments for obstetric scanning, their ages ranged between 15 and 50 years, their mean age was 25.3 years old. Ultrasound machines with 3.5, 5 MHz convex and endovaginal probe were used. The type of abortion was correlated with socioeconomic, sac localization and shape, cervix and adenexea characters as well as the presence of fetal congenital abnormalities. Results: The abortion types were characterized as incomplete, missed, threatened, complete, blighted ovum, inevitable, septic, recurrent, ectopic and molar as: 29.47%, 16.88%, 12.58%, 7.94%, 5.62%, 19.02%, 1.83%, 4.3%, 1.98%, and 0.66% respectively and showed highly significant relations with: -low socioeconomic status, Intra gestational sac location and shape, fetal congenital abnormalities, competent cervix and abnormal Adnexa. Conclusion: Ultrasound provided unique information about vaginal bleeding causes and outcomes and is useful in the detection of early pregnancy complications.