During construction of a new freeway in Melbourne, it was found that tonal wind-induced noise was being generated by the finned balustrades of architecturally-designed pedestrian overpasses which had been installed at several locations along the route. As the level of wind-induced noise was unacceptable at residences in the vicinity of the overpasses, a solution to reduce or eliminate the noise had to be developed. The solution needed to be practical to retrofit to the existing structure, while satisfying strict project constraints in relation to urban design, design life, and safety in design rules. This paper outlines the investigation that was undertaken to determine the wind-conditions under which the noise occurred, discusses the noise-generation mechanisms that were established to be causing the noise, and presents a summary of the potential solutions that were identified through theoretical analysis, wind tunnel modelling and field trials.
Control of Aeolian Noise Generated by the Finned Balustrade of a Freeway Pedestrian Overpass
Andrew MitchellRelated information
1 AECOM, Level 6, DTZ House, 76 Cashel Street, Christchurch 8011
, Damien LeclercqRelated information2 School of Mechanical Engineering, University of Adelaide, North Terrace Campus, Adelaide SA 5005
, Matthew SteadRelated information3 AECOM, Level 28, 91 King William Street, Adelaide SA 5000
Published Online: April 12, 2011