An experimental flow control study was performed on a submerged inlet, with a geometry documented by NACA, to determine whether discrete blowing would offset the boundary layer deficit created at the throat and, subsequently, the engine face. Measurements of the uniformity of the streamwise velocity, secondary flow patterns, and turbulence statistics were determined non-intrusively using three-component laser Doppler velocimetry (LDV). The throat had a rectangular cross-section (7.14 cm2) and the flow was incompressible (less than Mach 0.1) for all cases. Mass flow addition rates ranging from 0.5% to 7% of the main flow through the inlet was applied. In addition to blowing rate, the effect of the location of flow control ports was examined. In two cases, blowing was introduced at the inception of the ramp so that the flow followed the surface. In the remaining two cases, the port locations were placed approximately one third of the distance closer to the throat, approximately one third, closer to the inlet. For each port location, the effect of angling, or skewing, the ports toward the corners was investigated. The experiment showed that jets positioned closer to the inlet generally yielded more uniform flow per mass addition, suggesting that the jets from the individual ports were well-mixed with the primary stream. This result matched predictions based on a simple jet mixing model.
The Effect of Discrete Blowing Jets on Submerged Inlet Flow Uniformity
T. ReynoldsRelated information
1 Air Force Institute of Technology, WPAFB, Ohio, 45433
, M. ReederRelated information1 Air Force Institute of Technology, WPAFB, Ohio, 45433
Published Online: November 07, 2011