A rectangular cavity with an L/D of 5.67 was tested at Mach 1.5 with a corresponding Reynolds number of 7.35 × 106/m. High speed shadowgraph movies were simultaneously sampled with dynamic pressure sensors at 75 kHz. Fourier analysis was performed on the high speed movies as well as the dynamic pressure data, which resulted in the determination of spatial and temporal characteristics of the dominant cavity frequencies in the flow field. Four passive flow control devices were tested, two of which have historically performed well at reducing the acoustic tones and broadband noise levels. The other two devices were less effective. Flow physics based on the detailed analysis of the high speed shadowgraphs and dynamic pressures sensors is presented.
Examining Passive Flow Control using High Speed Shadowgraph Images in a Mach 1.5 Cavity Flow Field
Ryan SchmitRelated information
1 U.S Air Force Research Laboratory, 2130 Eight Street Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, OH 45433, USA
, James GroveRelated information1 U.S Air Force Research Laboratory, 2130 Eight Street Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, OH 45433, USA
, Anwar AhmedRelated information2 Auburn University, 211 Aerospace Engineering Bldg. Auburn, AL 36849-5338 USA
Published Online: March 20, 2014