Name DOI
(sic) Romano et al. 1997
Name Status
Validly Published
Current Authority
(sic) Romano et al. 1997
Preferred Name
Taxonomic Rank
Nomenclatural Type
(designated strain)
Refer to the type exemplar.
Type Strain
representative organism
T (=)
Proper Form
Halomonas pantelleriense (sic) Romano et al. 1997
Nomenclatural History
The species Halomonas pantelleriense was originally described by Romano et al. 1996. This name became validly published when it appeared on Validation List No. 61 in 1997. Euzéby corrected this name from (sic) to .
When referring specifically to this Abstract, please use its Digital Object Identifier.
Name Abstract for Halomonas pantelleriense (sic) Romano et al. 1997..
Source File


  1. Romano I, Nicolaus B, Lama L, Manca MC, Gambacorta A. Characterization of a haloalkalophilic strictly aerobic bacterium, isolated from Pantellaria Island. Syst Appl Microbiol 1996; 19:326-333.
  2. Euzéby JP. Taxonomic note: necessary correction of specific and subspecific epithets according to Rules 12c and 13b of the International Code of Nomenclature of Bacteria (1990 Revision). Int J Syst Bacteriol 1998; 48:1073-1075.
  3. List Editor. Validation List no. 61. Validation of the publication of new names and new combinations previously effectively published outside the IJSB. Int J Syst Bacteriol 1997; 47:601-602.